
Viktor Zhou

Software Developer

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About Me

About Me Portait

My name is Viktor and I am professional involved in the quantitative finance industry.

I completed my Master's of Science Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology. I am also a graduate of the Univeristy of Waterloo, where I completed my Bachelor's of Mathematics, Honours Computer Science.

I am heavily involved with amateur rugby and my local rugby club, having played rugby during high school as well as varsity at university. My other personal interests include personal finance and living an active lifestyle. I also love all things related to watches and horology.

(You can reach me at: contact (at) viktorzhou (d0t) com)


CIBC Capital Markets

Associate, Automated Market Making

Equities Derivatives Trading

Quantitative C++ development for the ETF market making desk.

HSBC Global Banking and Markets

Software Developer

Front Office Fixed Income IT Pricing

C++ development for in-house intraday risks management platform for treasuries and swaps traders.


Software Developer

Contributed to development of the new core calculation engine in C++.

Scotiabank Global Banking and Markets

Software Developer

Global Analytics and Financial Engineering

Developed portfolio functionality in C++ for risk and portfolio management.


Georgia Institute of Technology

August 2020 - April 2024

Master's of Science, Computer Science
(Degree conferred May 2024)
Specialization: Computing Systems
Final GPA: 3.9

Core Courses: Elective Courses:
CS6515: Introduction to Graduate Algorithms CS8803-O13: Quantum Computing
CS6210: Advanced Operating Systems CS6200: Graduate Introduction to Operating Systems​
CS6290: High-Performance Computer Architecture CSE6220: High-Performance Computing

Free Elective Courses:
CS7643: Deep Learning
CS7646: Machine Learning for Trading
ISYE 6644: Simulation and Modelling
ISYE6501: Intro to Analytics Modelling

University of Waterloo

September 2015 - April 2019

Bachelor of Mathematics, Honours Computer Science
(Degree conferred June 2019)

At the University of Waterloo, during my undergraduate program, I was actively involved with the athletic department. Throughout my degree, I was rostered on the Varsity Men's Rugby team for all four years.

Alongside playing rugby, I was also a Computer Science Tutor for the Athletics Department, helping fellow varsity athletes with computer science and math courses. The courses that I tutored were: Object-Oriented Software Development (CS246), Data Structure (CS240), Algebra (MATH135), Calculus I (MATH136) .

Core courses: Elective Courses:
CS350: Operating Systems CS456: Computer Networks
CS341: Algorithms CS486: Intro to Artificial Intelligence
CS371: Intro to Computational Math CS454: Distributed Systems
CS360: Intro to Theory of Computing CS349: User Interface

University of Waterloo Academic Honour Roll: Student Athlete 2017-2018
University of Waterloo Varsity Men's Rugby: Most Improved Player 2017
University of Waterloo Athletic Council: Student Athlete Award 2016
University of Waterloo Entrance Merit Scholarship 2015

Open Source & Personal Projects


QuantLib is a free/open-source cross-platform library for quantitative finance, primarily developed in modern C++. I have contributed by fixing open-issues, implementing test cases and commiting pull-requests.
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Google Hashcode 2020

An international, live, four hour coding competition consisting of one NP-hard problem. Our team tried a variety of solutions including Monte Carlo (random algorithm) simualtions and different greedy scheduling aglorithms.
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International Ranking: 2288/10724|Canadian Ranking: 40th

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